Monday, September 22, 2008

necesito ayuda. I need your assistance, please?! :)

Our "fall break" is from the 13th to the 17th of October and I really want to maybe go visit my Michiganders, but... I might not have a paycheck yet to get a plane ticket. and I'd need at least $450 to get a ticket and gas to drive to an airport...
but I have a week off!!! So hmm... i've been scouring cheaptickets and all that, and anyone who feels like helping me find a good ticket so in case I DO have money then I can visit,....

I'm living in Sanders, AZ, so:
Flagstaff, AZ is 143 miles away,
Albuquerque, NM is 180 miles away,
Phoenix is like 4 hours away,...

and Farmington, NM is like $763 for their flight... sick.

I'd like to leave probably Saturday the 11th of Oak-tu-bray (october) and get back to AZ onthe 18th or 19th so I can be back in time for school again. (meh.)

ANY help would be .... well, ama-zing. !

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