Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Flyleaf - "pair of rawhide"

In 2011 I started something ...

somewhat akin to George Muller's (that U should have an umlaut) recordings of God's provision in his life,

I started writing [in the flyleaf of my Bible] specific instances of how God has provided for my needs in the way only He does. . .

Today I get to add "had enough money left over from a gift card to buy a pair of bones for Sally to chew" :)

These puppies are Chiweenies, like our Sally...   (Chihuahua + Dachshund = Chiweenie) 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

how to live - pt. 1 of a million

Don't forget to dream in the waiting,

and use your best dishes every day.

Add color to your life with the silliest things,

throw maple helicopters and fly a kite.

Chase cars with your tail outstretched,

and watch cloud animals run just as fast.

Spin in circles while you still can,

sing in the car and smile at strangers.

Scratch a friend's back when they least expect it,

and write letters even if no one replies.

Keep a journal at least once a month,

and eat things you probably shouldn't.

Stretch yourself more than you ever thought possible,

try something new on a regular basis.

Hold babies, hold toddlers, hold children and teens,

hug twenty-somethings and thirty-year-olds.

Love on the single, the married, the smitten,

and spend time with hoary-headed saints.

Rake someone's yard at midnight,

walk on the grass and the sand.

Wear shoes as little as possible,

wear high heels and cowboy boots.

Stay up late doing nothing but giggling,

wake up early and make a big breakfast.

Read something you don't want to,

read to someone else.

Drive just to drive,

drive to visit a friend you have only met in writing.

Bake something from another land,

and bring a meal to someone else.

Whatever you do,

do it with everything He's given you.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Where are you going?

George MacDonald wrote: 

" I said, 'Let me walk in the field.'
God said, 'No, walk in the town.'
I said, 'There are no flowers there.'
He said, 'No flowers, but a crown.'
I said, 'But the sky is black,
There is nothing but noise and din.'
But he wept as he sent me back,
'There is more,' he said, 'there is sin.'
I said, 'But the air is thick,
And smog is veiling the sun'
He answered, 'Yet souls are sick,
And your work is yet undone,'
I said, 'I will miss the light,
And friends will miss me, they say.'
He answered me, 'Choose tonight,
If I am to miss you or they.'
I pleaded for time to be given;
He said, 'Is is hard to decide?
It will not seem hard in heaven 
To have followed the steps of your Guide.'
I cast one last look at the field, 
Then set my face to the town;
He said, 'My child, will you yield?
Will you leave the flowers for the crown?'
Then into His hand went mine, 
And into my heart came He;
And I walk in a light divine
The paths I had feared to see."

Saturday, May 11, 2013



There are 24 days left of school. Big grin and sad face at the same time.

Fall Break, or, As Good as it Gets.



So for fall break I went to Flagstaff because I wasn't sure how much money i had left after paying all my bills (not very much, let me tell you). I brought my computer to Best Buy to get a part... (the fans weren't working and I kept getting an error message telling me to "check your both fans."
whatever that means.

They sucked out the dust from my laptop and it kept going...

Turkmenistan on the plaaaane


It is at least $2,000 for a round-trip to Turkmenistan.

It was at least 84 degrees (F) today.


mileage this week: 
4.8 miles (sat) 5 miles(monday), 5.5 miles, (wednesday)

What to say ...


I'm about halfway through a counseling class at WC. It has been amazing



For although they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks to Him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.

Consider Him who endured from sinners such hostility against Himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.

In all the earth there was not one that could take my place. No one cared about me, not really.  I had done a multitude of wrongs, and my skin was black and peeling. My hair had fallen out in patches, but I was able to cover it up with a wig I found at the dollar store. I may have looked a fright to someone's grandma, but other than potentially scaring children and elderly people, no one looked my way. I sat all day on a bench, until someone else wanted to sit by me. When people looked at me too long, I would get up and move to another bench. My hair may have been dirty and greasy, but no one was able to see it because of the wig.

Blessing-gift #1 - wild in the city

I might as well share the little bits of amazingness that God daily touched my inmost me with on a basically daily basis...
because i've been trying to apply thankfulness lately. so yay!


I had two-and-a-half rather rough classes of 7th/8th graders today, but God used those three classes as a backdrop to a wonderful-good blessing to finish out the work day.

While the last class of kids was coming in, I was walking around tidying chairs and papers. The kids started gathering by the window in the corner of the room, and a few of them started yelling, "Bambi!! It's Bambi!!" I looked toward the window, but didnt' see anything. The kids kept shouting, so I put the papers down on the teacher's desk and walked toward the window. There, on the slightly suburban lawn of the slightly suburban school's slightly suburban playground, was a whitetail doe and an incredibly young whitetail fawn, all speckly in the just-washed grass.

Test #1 - interesting things that happened.

"Write a dialogue between two people/animals:"

"Hi my name is Walter and I'm from Teaxs my nationality is white. My birthday is on the 10-18-79 of this month. My favorite animals are horse's, dog's, and cats. My activities are riding horses, working on my dog. My dislikes are not to sit around at home."

What time of day would you say the following? -
"Buenas tardes" _______"late to class"


i saw an advertisement for a craft bazaar and - even though i may be the only blonde - i think i am going to do it. at least, i am going to attempt to make enough plarn purses/bags, etc... :) we shall see. and if my laptop ever works again (:-/) I can post pictures? :) I have a little over a month. unless i do the one in December. :0D yey.

a year's worth...

We've been married almost a year.

My boy and I have gone through so much in such a short time - and have learned how to fight, how to play nicely, and how to get by on zero dollars and gas fumes.  God has provided a place to stay, clothes to wear, and friends to talk to on the phone.

It has been the hardest year of my life - knowing that I have to student teach to get my certificate, yet knowing I am getting paid absolutely nothing for all my work with the kids. I have to go to school about 5 days a week, and have nothing to show for it - not even a few dollars to pay for gas. We've had to ask for money for gas from family members, and God has provided money for gas and food at times when we thought there would be nothing.

They flyleaf of my Bible is not as full as it could be of those provisional times (because I like to write down the specific times He's provided for our needs) because my head's been downcast too much lately.

Grocery shopping is not enjoyable when you have to decide between eggs or soy milk (because of your husband's sensitivity to cow-milk), or when you have to choose to forego vegetables because you need to buy flour to make bread (which will last longer than the veggies would have, anyway.) I know what it is like to go without, but it makes things so very much harder when trying to prepare a meal that is healthy and sustaining.  My husband does his best not to complain, but I know myself how hard it is to eat the same few meals over and over because we cannot afford variety.

He needs new pants. It is hard to find his size, because he's tall. I wouldn't trade his height for anything, though. He fits me just perfectly. It's also hard to find his size because we can't pay for pants. I can see some threads threatening to loosen on the seams, but I don't really know what we can do.

I need new shoes.  I have some shoes that are impractical that I just want to find a new home for, and trade them somehow for some practical-for-flat-feet flats or low-heely dress /teacher shoes.  Too bad we still have some bills to pay first, because that's more important to me than new shoes.  God provided some cheap insoles for those shoes, so I can stretch them a few weeks more- perhaps until school is over on the 30th...

I wish I could keep the house ( where we are staying ) clean - but we are never there because we don't have internet (for school, etc) and have to be gone most of the day to get our work done. .. and I'm exhausted by the time we finally make it home.

I wish I didn't somehow gain 20 pounds since last fall... At least, I think it was about that much... and I can't make it go away. Stress-related, most likely, along with not being able to eat how I know I need to because we can't afford good food. He's providing in His own way, in His own time, but sometimes I get very sad that I can't feed my husband what he needs to be healthy and alert.

We only really read together in the mornings on the way to school, but at least we're reading together... in Psalms, so we can start out thinking His thoughts ...  but I wish it was more.

There are no people around this town that have made much of an effort to get to know us, and it really stinks. Sometimes it gets frustrating, and other times I am bored beyond belief (even though I have classes to work on) as well as I just feel like I don't fit in this town at all. I miss the old us, that was able to at least go visit people; but when the only gas money we have is supposed to be used to get me to and from school, then it's kinda a downer.

And our health is going down the tubes, and we can do nothing about it.

And then there's the day-after-day search for a job, which leaves my sweet husband and I both frustrated and discouraged. We've had a few phone / in-person interviews but then absolutely nothing... over and over and over again.
We've been knocking on doors for almost a year now, since we decided to leave CCS...
and I'm not sure how much more we can take.

End scene.