We were in desperate need of a mitten basket... so I took a medium wool sweater from the thrift store and put it on a milk crate ... wrapped the arms around so it hugged itself and tied it into a bow. Et voila! Practically free, and useful (and i think kinda cute, too....) and no sewing or glue involved, so easy, too!
Monday, December 16, 2013
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Variegated yarn ....present. (stay tuned)
Just a tiny snapshot of the yarn I'm using for hubby's Christmas present... i love the way variegated yarn makes such interesting designs!
I'll share the pattern I used after he receives them :)
Sunday, December 8, 2013
December 8, 2013- first sticky snow started about 9:30. It is about 10:00 right now. David and I are making the trek to our little church, and then plan to drive to Michaels for my shift.... enjoy your morning, and don't forget to listen to His Word today.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Coffee or tea? Why not save time and have both?
Have you ever had a craving for some delicious fruit tea, only to find that you'd left a K-cup with coffegrounds in your brewer, leaving you with a half-caff cherry berry coffeetee?
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
365 temperatures - a year's worth of blanketing
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100F and higher: Autumn Red |
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90-99F: Red |
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80-89F: Persimmon |
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75-79F: Bone (also used in another afghan I am trying to finish)... |
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65-74F: Sunshine (because I hope to have lots of sun this coming year, obviously!) |
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55-64F: Sage |
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45-54F: Light Country Blue |
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33-44F: Blue Mint |
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21-32F: Pagoda |
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10-20F: Ocean
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below 0F: Passion |
Friday, November 8, 2013
nothing = 0
-Theodore Roosevelt (born in New York City on October 27, 1858)
Monday, October 21, 2013
201 (boldly approach because of Him!)
my next post will be number 202, which is coincidentally "Amazing Grace" in my favorite hymnal, right next to hymn number 203, my favorite hymn, "And Can It Be" -
An int’rest in the Savior’s blood?
Died He for me, who caused His pain?
For me, who Him to death pursued?
Amazing love! how can it be
That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?
Amazing love! how can it be
That Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?
Who can explore His strange design?
In vain the firstborn seraph tries
To sound the depths of love Divine!
’Tis mercy all! let earth adore,
Let angel minds inquire no more.
’Tis mercy all! let earth adore,
Let angel minds inquire no more.
So free, so infinite His grace;
Emptied Himself of all but love,
And bled for Adam’s helpless race:
’Tis mercy all, immense and free;
For, O my God, it found out me.
’Tis mercy all, immense and free;
For, O my God, it found out me.
Fast bound in sin and nature’s night;
Thine eye diffused a quickening ray,
I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;
My chains fell off, my heart was free,
I rose, went forth, and followed Thee.
My chains fell off, my heart was free,
I rose, went forth, and followed Thee.
Jesus, and all in Him, is mine!
Alive in Him, my living Head,
And clothed in righteousness Divine,
Bold I approach the eternal throne,
And claim the crown, through Christ my own.
Bold I approach the eternal throne,
And claim the crown, through Christ my own.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
this little nose
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Loud crickets and louder dogs need not apply...
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photo from Orkin |
[nb: Boaz is as "protective" as Sally, but much more relentlessly, persistently annoying in what exits his throat]...
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photo from http://www.etsy.com/shop/geministudio?ref=si_shop - buy his stuff!! |
Needless to say, I could have walked up the stairs to ask him to cease and desist his clamoring and reassured him that I was, indeed, a murderer of the worst sort, but I chose to leave him in suspense and slink back into the apartment, allowing his imagination to run rampant, and his howly-barks to condemningly follow me back to my courtly oasis as I tried to be quiet so my husband could glean a few more needed minutes of slumber.
I am almost afraid to go into the kitchen and make coffee, because opening the cupboard and refrigerator doors might stir up another dose of you-must-all-hear-her-sharpeni
You mean to tell me I could have just set out some molasses?
*link discovered, but not made, by myself....
Friday, October 4, 2013
Baby mobile
Just finished a little mobile for Johnson grandbaby #1 :) I tried to incorporate all of the colors mama and daddy have in the nursery; the stinkers aren't revealing the gender until baby is born, and they wanted a gender-neutral room. I really hope they like it!
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Sometimes following the Master isn't as easy as walking down the street. Those times, I'm grateful for His love that leads me like leash leading my puppy to water after a long walk. She knOws I'll take care of her as we walk dOwn busy roads or sidewalks, and sometimes have to give her a smack when she wants to cross the street to find a more shady path...but I do by best to make sure she knows I love her, even after I have to scold her when she puts herself in harm's way. I am so grateful for His love, that keeps me from straying too far from the safety of His hands.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
Walking iris times nine
Blast... just deleted the entirety of my post because I pushed a button and I'm still trying to figure out my new phone.
Anyways, my friend Jacki gave me the start to a walking iris back in 2011. It decided it liked me, and grew itself a nice little root system after I moved to Florida. Found it a pot so it could move from its gas station cup into something more p permanent and roomy.
While we were staying with David's grandpa, Iris favored us with a few blooms that were blue, white, and heavily scented. She then proceeded to continue growing beautiful, green shoots until the pot was dwarfed by a small forest.
Yesterday I went to go split Iris into some new pots and found NINE separate plants. ... and had only picked up two extra pots. Some garden forums I'd found mentioned planting walking irises in groups of three in a triangle, so that's what I went with. I put three plantlets in each pot in a little triangle . . . And now I get to wait and see if they like their new digs :-)
Thursday, September 5, 2013
big move
Almost two years after agreeing to move to Florida for a job (and working there for a year, and then moving back to Michigan for about a year), my husband has accepted a position in Maryland... a state I know almost nothing about.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
I bang or bruise my elbow approximately once every two weeks. ...just enough time for it to properly turn fun colors and heal with a few days' break...
woot, WOOT!
Friday, June 28, 2013
open that can / job interview should-have-dids
Check out my cousin(in-lar)'s blog about all sorts of awkward things! :) I love
I leave you with this advice on how to look back at what you could have done differently:
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so the next time you have an interview maybe it will pay off... or not. :) |
Friday, June 21, 2013
is anyone out there? a year ago,... (and a friendly reminder) ...in reverse order, of course!
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A year ago today (June 21st), David and I had our engagement pictures taken a few miles from the chapel where we'd be married... hey, we were engaged at the time. Don't judge! :D |
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^the logo a random bee made from weddingbee. hurrah! |
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my shoes, necklace, and a parasol the chapel owner had :) they go together quite swimmingly! |
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whose idea was it to buy birdseed at Publix and give it - along with lots of tulle - to Dulcy??? Oh, wait... |
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the obligatory be-grossed-out-or-cheer-for-the-kiss picture with our super awesome wedding partayyyy :) (I was not angry, nor did I punch my new husband in the face, contrary to picture-looks... ) |
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
God is "in the small stuff" - as well as the big.
do not depend on your own understanding.
6 Seek his will in all you do,
and he will show you which path to take.
Proverbs 3:5-6 NLT
*I am so grateful for these little verses right now...
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Flyleaf - "pair of rawhide"
somewhat akin to George Muller's (that U should have an umlaut) recordings of God's provision in his life,
I started writing [in the flyleaf of my Bible] specific instances of how God has provided for my needs in the way only He does. . .
Today I get to add "had enough money left over from a gift card to buy a pair of bones for Sally to chew" :)
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These puppies are Chiweenies, like our Sally... (Chihuahua + Dachshund = Chiweenie) |
Saturday, May 25, 2013
how to live - pt. 1 of a million
and use your best dishes every day.
Add color to your life with the silliest things,
throw maple helicopters and fly a kite.
Chase cars with your tail outstretched,
and watch cloud animals run just as fast.
Spin in circles while you still can,
sing in the car and smile at strangers.
Scratch a friend's back when they least expect it,
and write letters even if no one replies.
Keep a journal at least once a month,
and eat things you probably shouldn't.
Stretch yourself more than you ever thought possible,
try something new on a regular basis.
Hold babies, hold toddlers, hold children and teens,
hug twenty-somethings and thirty-year-olds.
Love on the single, the married, the smitten,
and spend time with hoary-headed saints.
Rake someone's yard at midnight,
walk on the grass and the sand.
Wear shoes as little as possible,
wear high heels and cowboy boots.
Stay up late doing nothing but giggling,
wake up early and make a big breakfast.
Read something you don't want to,
read to someone else.
Drive just to drive,
drive to visit a friend you have only met in writing.
Bake something from another land,
and bring a meal to someone else.
Whatever you do,
do it with everything He's given you.
Friday, May 24, 2013
Where are you going?
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Fall Break, or, As Good as it Gets.
So for fall break I went to Flagstaff because I wasn't sure how much money i had left after paying all my bills (not very much, let me tell you). I brought my computer to Best Buy to get a part... (the fans weren't working and I kept getting an error message telling me to "check your both fans."
whatever that means.
They sucked out the dust from my laptop and it kept going...
Turkmenistan on the plaaaane
It is at least $2,000 for a round-trip to Turkmenistan.
It was at least 84 degrees (F) today.
For although they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks to Him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.
Consider Him who endured from sinners such hostility against Himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.
In all the earth there was not one that could take my place. No one cared about me, not really. I had done a multitude of wrongs, and my skin was black and peeling. My hair had fallen out in patches, but I was able to cover it up with a wig I found at the dollar store. I may have looked a fright to someone's grandma, but other than potentially scaring children and elderly people, no one looked my way. I sat all day on a bench, until someone else wanted to sit by me. When people looked at me too long, I would get up and move to another bench. My hair may have been dirty and greasy, but no one was able to see it because of the wig.
Blessing-gift #1 - wild in the city
because i've been trying to apply thankfulness lately. so yay!
I had two-and-a-half rather rough classes of 7th/8th graders today, but God used those three classes as a backdrop to a wonderful-good blessing to finish out the work day.
While the last class of kids was coming in, I was walking around tidying chairs and papers. The kids started gathering by the window in the corner of the room, and a few of them started yelling, "Bambi!! It's Bambi!!" I looked toward the window, but didnt' see anything. The kids kept shouting, so I put the papers down on the teacher's desk and walked toward the window. There, on the slightly suburban lawn of the slightly suburban school's slightly suburban playground, was a whitetail doe and an incredibly young whitetail fawn, all speckly in the just-washed grass.
Test #1 - interesting things that happened.
"Hi my name is Walter and I'm from Teaxs my nationality is white. My birthday is on the 10-18-79 of this month. My favorite animals are horse's, dog's, and cats. My activities are riding horses, working on my dog. My dislikes are not to sit around at home."
What time of day would you say the following? -
"Buenas tardes" _______"late to class"
a year's worth...
My boy and I have gone through so much in such a short time - and have learned how to fight, how to play nicely, and how to get by on zero dollars and gas fumes. God has provided a place to stay, clothes to wear, and friends to talk to on the phone.
It has been the hardest year of my life - knowing that I have to student teach to get my certificate, yet knowing I am getting paid absolutely nothing for all my work with the kids. I have to go to school about 5 days a week, and have nothing to show for it - not even a few dollars to pay for gas. We've had to ask for money for gas from family members, and God has provided money for gas and food at times when we thought there would be nothing.
They flyleaf of my Bible is not as full as it could be of those provisional times (because I like to write down the specific times He's provided for our needs) because my head's been downcast too much lately.
Grocery shopping is not enjoyable when you have to decide between eggs or soy milk (because of your husband's sensitivity to cow-milk), or when you have to choose to forego vegetables because you need to buy flour to make bread (which will last longer than the veggies would have, anyway.) I know what it is like to go without, but it makes things so very much harder when trying to prepare a meal that is healthy and sustaining. My husband does his best not to complain, but I know myself how hard it is to eat the same few meals over and over because we cannot afford variety.
He needs new pants. It is hard to find his size, because he's tall. I wouldn't trade his height for anything, though. He fits me just perfectly. It's also hard to find his size because we can't pay for pants. I can see some threads threatening to loosen on the seams, but I don't really know what we can do.
I need new shoes. I have some shoes that are impractical that I just want to find a new home for, and trade them somehow for some practical-for-flat-feet flats or low-heely dress /teacher shoes. Too bad we still have some bills to pay first, because that's more important to me than new shoes. God provided some cheap insoles for those shoes, so I can stretch them a few weeks more- perhaps until school is over on the 30th...
I wish I could keep the house ( where we are staying ) clean - but we are never there because we don't have internet (for school, etc) and have to be gone most of the day to get our work done. .. and I'm exhausted by the time we finally make it home.
I wish I didn't somehow gain 20 pounds since last fall... At least, I think it was about that much... and I can't make it go away. Stress-related, most likely, along with not being able to eat how I know I need to because we can't afford good food. He's providing in His own way, in His own time, but sometimes I get very sad that I can't feed my husband what he needs to be healthy and alert.
We only really read together in the mornings on the way to school, but at least we're reading together... in Psalms, so we can start out thinking His thoughts ... but I wish it was more.
There are no people around this town that have made much of an effort to get to know us, and it really stinks. Sometimes it gets frustrating, and other times I am bored beyond belief (even though I have classes to work on) as well as I just feel like I don't fit in this town at all. I miss the old us, that was able to at least go visit people; but when the only gas money we have is supposed to be used to get me to and from school, then it's kinda a downer.
And our health is going down the tubes, and we can do nothing about it.
And then there's the day-after-day search for a job, which leaves my sweet husband and I both frustrated and discouraged. We've had a few phone / in-person interviews but then absolutely nothing... over and over and over again.
We've been knocking on doors for almost a year now, since we decided to leave CCS...
and I'm not sure how much more we can take.
End scene.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Praying for the Other Side ....
this was taken from here: - > http://unveiledwife.com/prayer-of-the-day-loving-your-in-laws/
Monday, February 18, 2013
Advice to a teacher considering working on a reservation
Re-posted from a reply on ProTeacher:
I taught in NE Arizona on the Navajo Rez. HS Spanish...
Some of my kids were angels, but those were usually the ones from a 2-parent household that didn't allow drugs/alcohol, etc.
Most of my kids came from broken homes, partied on the weekends/weekdays, and dealt with things most people don't encounter until after graduation. We lost at least 4 students that year to suicide or murder, not counting deaths of family members.
I would compare it to an inner-city, urban school. Your heart will get involved, and you will cry often for these children who have had their innocence stolen. Embrace them, and they will try to please you (by learning, behavior, etc). You will deal with multiple absences for whatever reason, (many of my students had an hour+ bus ride to school one way! Many suspensions, moving to other cities, etc). There were gangs, certain colors of shirts were not allowed at the school (black, blue, etc)... I kept snacks in my room for "sale" for very cheap so my students wouldn't ditch my class to go to the earlier lunch simply to hang out with friends (because they didn't bring lunch)
Don't be afraid to ask cultural questions.:) Some things they might not tell you, but if they invite you to a ceremony or event, go! :)
But if you stick it out, the kids will learn to trust you with their lives. They will try to learn because you are trying to teach them; They will try to behave better because you care about their future. They will make an effort in class- or even to COME to class - because you try to make learning fun.
Be yourself, be real, realize that they are most likely dealing with very hard things at home, and LOVE them.
They will respond if they see you are genuine, and if they know you care about them as an individual and as a culture.
I miss my Rez kids, but I know I'm right where I need to be right now :)
Sunday, February 3, 2013
caos y ruida
it is all noise.

everything moves.
there is no peace here;
chaos rules.
all my soul wants is a tiny speck of quiet,
a place unmoving, thoughts able to focus.
what would happen if i turned it off?
i'm pretty sure chaos would happen; they'd be confused.
then, of course, i'd have my silence. stillness. peace.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Lois Lenski - book reviews: San Francisco Boy, Shoo-fly Girl, Corn-farm Boy
Here is a short run-down on the ones I was able to find:
San Francisco Boy is about a young boy and his sister (and their other siblings, but the book's main focus is on those two) who move from Alameda, California to San Francisco. Most of the story is about the boy's struggle with homesickness and making new friends; his younger sister makes friends easily with their neighbors and shop owners. It is full of Chinese culture - and even some Italian fun, as well! - and a great read for anyone interested in life in Chinatown, California.
Shoo-fly Girl is about an Amish girl who is part of a large family. She helps the family grow their tobacco crop for sale, and has a pet crow that no one likes. She and her family learn to be friends with their "English" neighbors, all the while overcoming their prejudice. Reading this story was definitely fun, and recommended for anyone who is interested in the lives of Amish children.
Corn-Farm Boy is about a boy who suffers with rheumatism. He lives on a farm with his siblings; since he has to limit his physical activity, he "collects" animals as pets, doctoring them when they're sick. He tries his best to help the family as they try a new method of planting corn that makes them look foolish to the neighbors, but it pays off in the end. This is a great story for animal lovers and young boys looking for everyday adventures.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
butter typoes ;)
Anywhoodle, I know I'm not the only one out there / they're still around / their influence makes me who I am ... ;)
What's the best / worst grammar/typo you've seen? comments necessary!
Also, in the last week I've lost a whole pound of weight - that's equivalent to four sticks of butter! It doesn't seem like a lot in my head, but if I picture butter I feel so much more proud of myself!
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
2012, meet 2013!
We left my inlaw's house on NYE and as we were getting into the Jeep we got to catch fireworks exploding a few blocks away. It was pretty super (and also pretty cold).
at Colonial's "Movie on the Lawn" |
I've been working at Barnes&Noble as a "seasonal worker" - didn't have the 90-days-of-training that almost everyone else had, but I've done all right so far. We shall see if I am asked to stay on . . . I like working there, but it's hard to pay bills on only $7.50/hr.
Waiting for Grand Canyon to find me a placement - finally heard from someone today that all three of the schools I'd put on my application didn't have space.... so I took initiative and gave the guy who is supposed to be helping me get placed no less than 25 schools to call for me.
we shall see.
D and I have been scheming how we can get out of debt and move forward in our goal: alaska, airplanes, 6 kids, etc...
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February 2011 at Beaners :) |
This year I hope to write more... Last year (11/2012) I attempted NaNoWriMo.... Made it to about the halfway point, but Thanksgiving / social activities got in the way, and I discovered it's incredibly hard to write when we don't have our own place... because inlaws just so happen to be very loud. :p (sometimes loud is fun, but when trying to write or study, it's very distracting. . . at least, it is for me.)
I can't promise I'll write every day, or even every week.
Sally and I at the dogpark in Homestead :) |
I'll shoot for quality, too. I might post about something controversial, or simply share a recipe that my family enjoyed.
Churrasco Steaks at Mario's in Homestead |
I might post a picture on occasion,
or something encouraging.
I might review a book, or a hotel, or an interesting landmark.
in love on the beach (FL 2011) |
My blog isn't really thematical, but it is me. Coined words, silly phrases, and lots of creativity. A little bit of love for everything God made, and a lot of love for the Creator.
Stay tuned - this could be (more) fun!
<3 amanda="amanda" p="p">